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Use the Analysis ToolPak to perform complex data analysis
Learn how to use the Analysis ToolPak to perform complex Excel data analysis. Explore the various data analysis functions available in Excel.

Load the Analysis ToolPak in Excel - Microsoft Support
If you need to develop complex statistical or engineering analyses, you can save steps and time by using the Analysis ToolPak. You provide the data and parameters for each analysis, and the tool uses the appropriate statistical or engineering macro functions to calculate and display the results in an output table.

BI capabilities in Excel and Office 365 - Microsoft Support
Business intelligence (BI) is essentially the set of tools and processes that people use to gather data, turn it into meaningful information, and then make better decisions. In Office 365 Enterprise, you have BI capabilities available in Excel and SharePoint Online.

Add or remove add-ins in Excel - Microsoft Support
Some add-ins are built in to Excel, such as Solver and the Analysis ToolPak. Other add-ins are available from the Download Center and must first be downloaded and installed. Finally, there are add-ins that are created by third parties, such as a programmer in your organization or a software solution provider.

Analyze Data in Excel - Microsoft Support
Simply select a cell in a data range > select the Analyze Data button on the Home tab. Analyze Data in Excel will analyze your data, and return interesting visuals about it in a task pane. If you're interested in more specific information, you can enter a question in the query box at the top of the pane, and press Enter.

Create and share a Dashboard with Excel and Microsoft Groups
For this example, we're going to create four PivotTables and charts from a single data source. Once your dashboard is created, we’ll show you how to share it with people by creating a Microsoft Group. We also have an interactive Excel workbook that you can download and follow these steps on your own. Download the Excel Dashboard tutorial workbook.

Power Pivot: Powerful data analysis and data modeling in Excel
Power Pivot is an Excel add-in you can use to perform powerful data analysis and create sophisticated data models. With Power Pivot, you can mash up large volumes of data from various sources, perform information analysis rapidly, and share insights easily.

Help for Excel for Windows add-ins - Microsoft Support
Use the Analysis ToolPak for complex, statistical analyses, such as regression, histograms, sampling, and z-Tests. There are also special VBA functions available to use with the Analysis ToolPak. Help for Analysis ToolPak / Analysis ToolPak VBA.

Analyze data with Excel for Windows - Microsoft Support
Use Quick Analysis to highlight important data or show data trends. Select the data to conditionally format. Select the Quick Analysis button to the bottom-right of the selected cells. Select Formatting, hover over the options, and pick the one you want. Try it! Select File > New, select Take a tour, and then select the Analyze Tab.

Analysis Services MDX Query Designer (Power Pivot)
MDX is the query language for cubes. Behind the scenes, Excel uses MDX to retrieve fields and data values when you choose items from a PivotTable Fields list. You can also build MDX queries manually when importing data from an Analysis Services cube.




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